Saturday, 17 June 2017

Common and Illegal Questions during interview for work

Examples of common or legal questions:
1. What department do you apply and why do you interested on it?
2. Could you show me you capabilities?
3. Why should we hire you?
4. How much salary did you demand?
5. What do you know about our company?
6. Are you the best person for this job? Why?
7. Describe a difficult experience at work and how did you handle that?
8. How would you describe yourself?
9. What are you going to do if your boss made a mistake?
10. If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would you say ?
11. What are the education that you had taken?
12. Are your experienced enough for this job?
13. Do you have licenses and certifications for this job?
14. Are you willing to be placed to another state?
15. Are you available for overtime work?
16. Why did you chose this company?
17. Could you tell me about your past-work experiences?
18. Do you have any weaknesses?
19. Are you qualified for this job?
20. Could you show me what are you going to do to handle any issues?

Examples of illegal questions:
1. Have you been arrested before?
2. What is your sexual preference?
3. What is your religion?
4. Are you married?
5. Had you ever done any crime before?