Monday, 16 March 2015

Soft Skill - Tourism

1. Definition of Tourism:
Tourism is travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family or business purposes, usually for a limited duration. Tourism is commonly associated with international travel, but may also refer to travel to another place within the same country. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes". 

According to Cambridge Dictionary Online, tourism is the business of providing services such as transports, places to stay, or entertainment for people who are on holiday.

According to Law No. 9 of 1990 concerning tourism Chapter I Article 1; stated that tourism is an activity trip or part of these activities are carried out voluntarily and temporarily to enjoy the object and attraction

So the sense that it contains elements of tourism, namely: (1) The journey, (2) Do a voluntary, (3) temporary Characteristically, (4) The trip was wholly or partly intended to enjoy the object and attraction.

While the notion of objects and attractions according to Law No. 9 of 1990 is targeted trips that include:
1. Creation is God Almighty, in the form of a state of nature as well as flora and fauna, such as landscapes, beautiful panorama, with a jungle of tropical forest plants and rare animals.

2. Human works of tangible museums, ancient heritage, heritage, art and culture, agro-tourism (agriculture), tourism tirta (water), adventure tourism, recreation parks, and entertainment venues.

3. Target special interest tours, such as: hunting, hiking, caves, industry and crafts, shopping places, rivers rushing water, places of worship, places of pilgrimage and others.

Then at number 4 in the Act No. 9 of 1990 is explained also that tourism is anything related to tourism, including the concession objects and attractions as well as related efforts in the field. Thus tourism include:
1. All activities associated with travel.
2. Objects and tourist attraction, such as: area attractions, theme parks, heritage areas (temples, tombs), museums, reservoirs, cultural arts performances, good social life, and that is natural: natural beauty, volcanoes, lakes, beaches and so on.
3. Concession services and tourism facilities, namely:
a. Tourism businesses (travel agents, travel agents, guides, conventions, incentive travel and exhibition, impresario, tourism consulting, tourism information);
b. Business tourism facilities consisting of: accommodation, restaurants, bars, tourist transport and so on;
c. Efforts services relating to the operation of tourism.

According to Robert McIntosh Tourism along the Oka A. Gupta Shaskinant Yoeti (1992:8) is a combination of symptoms and the relationship arising from the interaction of tourists, businesses, host governments and host communities in the process of attracting and serving tourists and other visitors.

According to Richard Sihite in Marpaung and Bahar (2000:46-47) describes the definition of tourism as follows: Tourism is a journey that people do for a while, which was held from one place to another to leave the place, with a plan and a purpose not to seek or make a living in the places visited, but simply to enjoy recreational activities and pertamsyaan or to meet the diverse desires.

According to the broader definition proposed by H. Kodhyat (1983:4) is as follows: Tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, an attempt to seek a balance or harmony and happiness to the environment in social, cultural, nature and science. Meanwhile, in the opinion of James J. Spillane (1982:20) argues that tourism is an activity to travel with the purpose of obtaining pleasure, find satisfaction, knowing something, improve health, enjoying sports or rest, task, pilgrimages and others.

According One Wahab (1975:55) argues that tourism definition of tourism is one kind of new industries that can accelerate economic growth and employment, increase incomes, living standards and stimulate other productive sectors. Furthermore, as a complex sector, tourism industries are also realizing classics such as handicraft and souvenir industry, lodging and transportation.

While the notion of Tourism according to Law No. 9 of 1990 in Chapter I Article 1, that tourism is anything related to the operation of tourism. This means that all the activities and affairs in connection with planning, organization, implementation, supervision, good tourism conducted by the government, the private sector and the community is called Tourism.

Nyoman S. Pendit (2003:33) describes tourism can also provide a direct impetus to the progress of the progress of the construction or improvement of port port (sea or air), local roads, local transport, hygiene or health programs, pilot projects and the gym culture of environmental sustainability and so on. All of which can provide both profits and fun environment for the community in the area concerned area for tourists and visitors from outside. Tourism can also provide encouragement and contribution towards the implementation of development projects for various sectors of countries that have developed or advanced economies, which in turn the tourism industry is a reality in the midst of other industries.

Tourist Site in Indonesia:
There are so many tourist sites in Indonesia. One of them is Wakatobi:
Wakatobi is a very beautiful island with stunning views of the sea and the beach are very bieu on tour by coral reefs. Located in the South East Sulawesi, Indonesia and among the Banda Sea and the Flores Sea. The name Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main islands that make up The Island, Kaledupa, Tomea Wangiwangi, and Binongko. This island group is part of a large group called the "Tukang Besi Islands". Here are a variety of biodiversity known as Wallacea. This is part of the National Park. The island is 6° south of the equator, this area benefits from a range of the Banda Sea and about 3,000 fish species have been classified. The island is very remote and is still only a small population that has comfort, this place really is a paradise of lush tropical rain forest, Palm trees and golden sands is far from the reality of civilization. The island Dive Resort offers unlimited diving, with a minimum of 3 boat dives per day and free access to the house reef just a few meters from the beach. Located in the middle of a secluded Island Islands group known for adventure travelers as a Blacksmith.

2. Opinion about Tourism and Wakatobi:
In my opinion, Tourism is a form of leisure trip where tourists who are having the trip aim to reach relaxation and forget for a moment about the life problems and burdens of life. In other words, tourism is also a business that provides facilities to tourists to enhance the tourists' satisfaction and relaxing time while they are having a trip.

I chose Wakatobi because of the place is very beautiful. There are so many tourists from US, Europe, and many more go to Wakatobi to enjoy Wakatobi's beauty. Wakatobi also known as one of the most popular diving place, same as Bunaken located in Northern Sulawesi. The beauty of marine biota certainly unrivaled by the Great Barrier Reef located Australia. Sadly, so many citizens of Indonesia don't know the beauty of Wakatobi, or maybe they don't know about Wakatobi at all. Instead, they prefer go abroad than exploring Indonesia's itself.

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