Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Technology Usage in Communication and Meeting

How technology affects communication positively and negatively?
Positive Effect:
Because of the technology, we are capable to acquire another skills, information and, education that we may won’t be able to get from our society or environment, for the example because of the smartphone that people can do almost everything, and of course supported by internet connection we could search almost everything that we need on the internet for a simple example, if we don't know how to make something, we could just search it on the internet and we could learn from it.

Negative Effect:
The development of technology is growing up so fast and almost cannot be controlled, many invention have been invented to make our work could be done easily, because of that technology has negative effect, for an easy example: people almost usually lazy because there is so many tools or programs that has been invented to make our work easier.

Why listening is such a big challenge for most people? Explain by giving answer!
Many people think listening is an easy job, but it isn’t. It is simply a not easy job because when you listening to people you need to pay attention carefully and maybe as a listener you don't know fully the utterances that speakers says, if you are listening to someone make sure you make a commitment with yourself to hear every word that he/she says, and reply by giving responses if he/she asked too. By listening to someone, you are indirectly receive a new information that you are intended or unintended maybe a new education or skills, but you have to listen carefully and process all of those words with more carefully.

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