Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Review Game DOTA 2

DOTA 2 aka Defense Of The Ancients 2 is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game  released by Valve at 2011. Originally, this game was just mod in game Warcraft 3 named Frozen Throne later known as DotA 1. Game DOTA 2 is very  popular among teenagers and adults. There are so many international competition. Through this game, people can win million of dollars by winning the international events.

I've spent 4000 hours on playing DOTA 2. Started 5 years ago, friends asked me to play together in the internet cafe near our school. 

DOTA to me is a fun and good game if you play it properly. It's a team game, so cooperation and communication are highly needed. If you play with your friend/s, it just make it easier to communicate and to set timing.

New to DOTA 2? No problem. DOTA gives such a good way learning for the beginners, by playing with bots either full bots (9 bots) or coop bot (team up with other players vs 5 bots).
Dota is also good of making new friends. Since it's a multiplayer, you'll meet someone who play nice or play like a stupid person. You can learn other languages differently from schools.
In other side, some heroes are need to be nerfed. Some of them are too overpowered, and too underwhelmed. Punishment to the feeders and flamers should be more severe. To me report conducts are not enough. Valve should give them something to make them learn of their mistakes.
Sadly, Valve messed up with the Dota reborn to bring back the old DOTA vibe. There are many bugs and to me it's still "incomplete version". However, custom games give another different experience beside playing the "main" DOTA. I personally like the interface. It's good and the armory/inventory system is also good and make it easier to search for particular item. They also show the player's statistics by the diagram to measure the player's aspect, plus can compare to other player.

Pengalaman Main Game War Thunder

Saya mulai main War Thunder ini tahun 2013-an. Dulunya masih cuma pesawat, sekarang udah lengkap sama tank. Tertarik karena teman SMA ngajak main. Awalnya cuma liat teman main.

Mulai pakai pesawat Amerika. Kenapa? Tadinya baru ada 5 negara, Jerman, Rusia, Jepang, Amerika, dan Inggris, sekarang sudah ada Itali yang tadinya masuk di bagian pesawat Jerman, diubah jadi punya sendiri. Jadi ada 6 negara. Dari beberapa teman yang main WT, ternyata belum ada yang main pakai pasukan Amerika. Justru teman bilang, "Pake aja pesawat amrik, biar lengkap, gak ada yg make gini," Saya pun setuju, dan memang sebelumnya pernah main game simulator dan pakai pesawat Amerika. Jadi lumayan tau ada apa saja pesawat-pesawatnya. Beberapa game, udah lumayan ngerti cara manuver, menukik, ngebom, mendarat, lepas landas dengan benar.

Keunggulan dari pesawat Amerika yaitu dari persenjataannya. Machine gun dengan kaliber 50 ini tentu sangat mematikan dan dengan mudah dapat menghancurkan sayap pesawat musuh. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, semua negara melengkapi pesawatnya dengan kanon 20mm. Dari segi manuver, pesawat Amerika terbilang agak berat dan lumayan lama. Inggris dan Jepang sangat unggul dalam manuver karena pesawat-pesawatnya ringan dan memang didesain khusus untuk tempur jarak dekat atau dogfight. Sedangkan Rusia terbilang standar karena memang bagus dalam dogfight dan tempur jauh. Pesawat Jerman sangat buas jika digunakan untuk memburu bomber yang terbangnya tinggi diatas 5000 kaki. Selain itu Jerman unggul dalam teknik hit and run, dimana pesawat Jerman menukik dari atas dan terjun mengincar pesawat yang berada di bawah lalu setelah menembak atau berhasil menghancurkan pesawat dapat kembali ke atas dengan mudah, karena mesin pesawat Jerman didesain untuk terbang tinggi atau manjat.

Sampai saat ini, negara yang sudah saya mainkan adalah Amerika, Inggris, Rusia dan Jerman. Total kill yang saya dapat hampir 8000 pesawat.

Film "FURY"

Bagi anda pecinta film perang, film berjudul FURY patut ditonton. Film ini mengambil sudut pandang dari kru sebuah tank Sherman buatan Amerika Serikat, salah satu kubu sekutu pada masa perang dunia 2. Jujur saja, jarang ada film yang menyorot tentang pasukan “tank” dan kesulitan-kesulitan mereka dalam menghadapi rudal/senjata penghancur tank/tank yang lebih canggih.

Fury menceritakan tentang tank bernama “Fury” yang dipimpin oleh Don “Wardaddy” Collier (Brad Pitt), beranggotakan Bible (Shia Lebouf), Gordo (Michael Pena), Gardy “Coon-ass” (Jon Bernthal). Setelah kehilangan salah satu anggotanya dan menjadi satu-satunya tank yang lolos perang, mereka harus menerima anak muda polos bernama Norman (Logan Lerman) dalam timnya. Wardaddy harus mendidik Norman agar menerima realita kerasnya perang, agar ia tidak membahayakan timnya dan tentunya tidak terbunuh dengan cepat. Mereka terus dikirim dari 1 kota ke kota yang lain di Jerman untuk menembus pertahananan dan menguasai kota. Tetapi misi mereka sangat sulit, karena jumlah tank sekutu hanya tersisa 4 dan tank mereka kalah canggih dengan tank Nazi. Hingga pada akhirnya, hanya mereka yang tersisa satu-satunya lagi, dan nasionalisme mereka pun diuji, apakah mereka akan kabur atau tetap bersama tank mereka dan mempertahankan posisi.

Bagian favorit saya adalah pada saat 4 tank sekutu melawan 1 tank kelas berat Nazi yaitu Tiger. Feeling tegang pada saat itu sangat terasa. Para sekutu yang terdiri atas 4 tank kelas medium melawan 1 tank kelas berat berlangsung cukup lama. Pada akhirnya Wardaddy pun berhasil menghancurkan tank tersebut. Di sisi lain, pihak sekutu kehilangan 3 tank mereka untuk mengalahkan 1 tank tersebut.

Types of Sentences and Clauses

What is a Clause ?
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb or verb phrase. Every sentence consists of at least one clause.
The two types of clauses are independent and dependent clauses. An independent clause (also known as a main clause) expresses a complete thought. It can either stand on its own as a sentence or be combined with one or more dependent or independent clauses to form a sentence. A dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) cannot stand on its own as a sentence. It must be combined with one or more independent clauses to form a sentence. Dependent clauses can function either as noun clauses, adjective clauses, or adverb clauses in sentences. They begin with words such as after, although, because, before, if, since, that, until, what, when, where, who, which , and why.

An independent clause can express a complete thought (and can be a standalone sentence). A dependent clause is usually a supporting part of a sentence, and it cannot stand by itself as a meaningful proposition (idea).

Examples of Independent Clauses:
1) Jackson did his homework after he had dinner with his parents.
(Jackson did his homework is an independent clause. It works as a standalone sentence.)

2) Before Alexei arrived to Moscow, he met Yuri and Boris in Stalingrad.
3) Connor was eating sandwich until Eric came to disturb him.

Examples of Dependent Clauses
1) Jackson did his homework after he had dinner with his parents.
(The clause after he had dinner with his parents is a dependent clause. It does not work as a standalone sentence).

2) Before Alexei arrived to Moscow, he met Yuri and Boris in Stalingrad.
3) Connor was eating sandwich until Eric came to disturb him.

These three dependent clauses (or subordinate clauses as they're also called) could have been independent clauses. However, the opening word(s) (in these examples after, Even though, and but) turned them into dependent clauses. The opening words are known as dependent words, the main type of which is subordinating conjunctions.

Four Types of Sentences and the Effect of Punctuation
When students learn to write, they begin by learning about the four types of sentences and the role punctuation plays in determining and creating those different sentence types.
The four types of sentences in the English language include:
Declarative sentence
Imperative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Exclamatory sentence

And there are only three punctuation marks with which to end a sentence:
Question mark
Exclamation point
Using different types of sentences and punctuation, students can vary the tone of their writing assignments and express a variety of thoughts and emotions.

A declarative sentence simply makes a statement or expresses an opinion. In other words, it makes a declaration. This kind of sentence ends with a period.
Examples of this sentence type:
“I want to be a good writer.” (makes a statement)
“My friend is a really good writer.” (expresses an opinion)

An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a period but can, under certain circumstances, end with an exclamation point.
Examples of this sentence type:
“Please sit down.”
“I need you to sit down now!”

An interrogative sentence asks a question. This type of sentence often begins with who, what, where, when, why, how, or do, and it ends with a question mark.
Examples of this sentence type:
“When are you going to turn in your writing assignment?”
“Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow?”
An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses great emotion such as excitement, surprise, happiness and anger, and ends with an exclamation point.
Examples of this sentence type:
“It is too dangerous to climb that mountain!”
“I got an A on my book report!”

Sentence Types
Simple Sentences
A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only one independent clause.

Here are a few examples:
-Jason and Freddy sing a song.
-Brock started his company.
-Tyler and Evan organized an event in New York.
-Anthony and Scott went to London.

Compound Sentence
A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the words "FANBOYS":
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

Examples of compound sentences include the following:
1) Meredith waited for the train, but the train was late.
2) Brandon looked for Aiman and Jordan at the bus station, so they can go to Berlin together.
3) Barry and Allen came to Singapore on Tuesday, and they decided to visit Indonesia next week.

Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the elements that would make it a complete sentence.

Dependent clauses such as those above cannot stand alone as a sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to form a complex sentence. Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, even though, if, since, though, unless, until, when, whenever, whereas, wherever, while.

Here are the examples :
Although Mira finished her new novel, she still needed promote in the radio.
Since Peter and Drax joined the Avengers, they contributed much to the team.
- Wade will take a bus to Ajax' house, unless Wilson offers him a ride.

Compound-Complex Sentences
A compound-complex sentence is made up of at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Here are the examples :
- Stark and Rogers met Logan in the Avengers' base, but Fury wasn't in the place at that time, even though he was needed to supervise the meeting.
- Although Luke was in Manchester, he decided call Frank, so he can stay in Frank's place for a while.
- Edward finally returned to his hometown, but everything had changed since he left the hometown to go to America.