Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Review Game DOTA 2

DOTA 2 aka Defense Of The Ancients 2 is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game  released by Valve at 2011. Originally, this game was just mod in game Warcraft 3 named Frozen Throne later known as DotA 1. Game DOTA 2 is very  popular among teenagers and adults. There are so many international competition. Through this game, people can win million of dollars by winning the international events.

I've spent 4000 hours on playing DOTA 2. Started 5 years ago, friends asked me to play together in the internet cafe near our school. 

DOTA to me is a fun and good game if you play it properly. It's a team game, so cooperation and communication are highly needed. If you play with your friend/s, it just make it easier to communicate and to set timing.

New to DOTA 2? No problem. DOTA gives such a good way learning for the beginners, by playing with bots either full bots (9 bots) or coop bot (team up with other players vs 5 bots).
Dota is also good of making new friends. Since it's a multiplayer, you'll meet someone who play nice or play like a stupid person. You can learn other languages differently from schools.
In other side, some heroes are need to be nerfed. Some of them are too overpowered, and too underwhelmed. Punishment to the feeders and flamers should be more severe. To me report conducts are not enough. Valve should give them something to make them learn of their mistakes.
Sadly, Valve messed up with the Dota reborn to bring back the old DOTA vibe. There are many bugs and to me it's still "incomplete version". However, custom games give another different experience beside playing the "main" DOTA. I personally like the interface. It's good and the armory/inventory system is also good and make it easier to search for particular item. They also show the player's statistics by the diagram to measure the player's aspect, plus can compare to other player.

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